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The 5 Biggest Image Optimizer WordPress Plugin Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

The 5 Biggest Image Optimizer WordPress Plugin Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid

When developing any website, it is important to understand that you might face some issues. Images play a vital role since they can make or break any website. However, you must avoid some biggest issues like the image optimizer WordPress plugin. Here are some of the ways by which you can avoid the image optimizer WordPress plugin mistakes.

Embedding text in the image

It is important to understand that the search engines fail to read the images and only view the HTML for creating them. All you have to do is include alt text in your images along with a proper product description. Alternatively, you can add an appropriate link, which will also help. Also, if your link goes to another website, then you must ensure that opens in some other window.

The question is how you can embed the text in the images. One of the processes is embedding text in the images on WordPress. Once you upload the image to your media library, you have to add the image details on the page. When uploading the picture on the WordPress image gallery, you will be able to embed the text.

Image in the CSS

Images play a vital role when it comes to designing web pages. Due to this reason, CSS will play a vital role in controlling the display. All you have to do is set the image properties through CSS. 

When optimizing the WordPress image plugins, you have to include the image in the CSS. It will automatically enhance the conversion rate of your website. Hence, make sure to use the image optimizer WordPress plugin. 

Redundant plugin

When designing a website, it is important to understand that it is no use of keeping the plugins, especially the ones you are not using. It not only clutters the dashboard but also affects the website in some tangible ways. For example, a slow loading time because of the database bloat. It also adds points of vulnerability to the websites. This means you can either tweak platforms or include new code in them.

Therefore, while designing the WordPress image gallery make sure to avoid keeping any redundant. Once you are done with the plugins, it is best to uninstall them.

Missing the descriptive text

Add slider on the home page

Sliders help in consolidating the images. Although media on the page draws attention away from the text, using sliders will prevent your customers from getting distracted. For example, if your website sells smartphones and accepts credit cards for payments. If you miss out on the descriptive texts, then your website might not get enough conversion rates. Using the image optimizer WordPress plugin, you will be able to design your website professionally.

Hence, these are some of the ways to avoid the five biggest image optimizer wordpress plugin mistakes.

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